Association Documents
Annual Disclosure
Articles of Incorporation
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
Rules and Regulations
Parking Restrictions
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
- A meeting was not held in 2020
- A meeting was not held in 2019
- A meeting was not held in 2018
- A meeting was not held in 2016 - A quorum was not established
- A meeting was not held in 2015 - A quorum was not established
Responsible Governance Policies
Responsible Governance Policies
- Collection of Unpaid Assessments
- Handling of Conflicts of Interest Involving Board Members
- Conduct of Meetings
- Enforcement of Covenants and Rules, Including Notice and Hearing Procedures and the Schedule of Fines
- Inspection and Copying of Association Records by Unit Owners
- Investment of Reserve Funds
- Procedures for the Adoption and Amendment of Policies, Procedures and Rules
- Procedures for Addressing Disputes Arising Between the Association and Unit Owners
- Reserve Study